And we are off - the Friendship Force of Austin is winging our way to stay with the Friendship forces in Dunedin (South Island) and Hamilton (North Island) New Zealand - with a busy three nights in Wellington. We are taking 15 "Ambassadors" for 20 days to promote friendship and international goodwill. It is far more that an interesting and exciting way to travel; it is where you really immerse into the culture and the people. Check it out - it may just be for you. Of course, you are not going to always get it your way like at BurgerKing. It is definitely for open-minded people.
So what is Friendship Force?
The Friendship Force is a global community comprising 371 clubs (chapters) in 54 countries. Its members are ordinary people of all ages who share a desire to spread goodwill, to better understand people of other cultures, and to value one another as friends.
Cultural exchanges and home stays are the signature program of Friendship Force. A club prepares an itinerary of cultural activities, inviting members from other clubs in other countries to come for four to seven days and stay with them in their homes.
When local hosts open their homes to visitors from other countries and cultures, true understanding can develop though the sharing of meals, conversation and the routines of daily life. Strangers become friends. These friends change the way we see the world.
With the Friendship Force, not only do we discover other cultures, but we become citizen ambassadors for our own culture. We become part of changing the way others see the world as well.
Every friendship formed across the barriers of nationality, language, religion or politics makes the world a better place. This year 18,000 Friendship Force members are eager to welcome you.
Experience the world with the Friendship Force. You can change the world, one friendship at a time.
The Friendship Force was founded by Wayne Smith and introduced on
March 1, 1977, by President Jimmy Carter at a White House gathering of
state governors. At that time, President Carter asked the governors to
return to their states and identify a volunteer leader who would serve
as State Director for the Friendship Force in their state. Rosalyn
Carter served as Honorary Chairperson until 2002.
FF originally involved groups ranging from 150 to 400 private citizens, known as friendship ambassadors, traveling via chartered aircraft to the partner city where a group of the same size boarded to return to the original city, hence the terminology “Exchange,” the word we use still to refer to our travel programs. The visiting ambassadors were hosted in the homes of volunteer host families for a week, sharing everyday experiences and getting to know each other on a personal basis. The first FF experience involved 762 Ambassadors in a simultaneous exchange between Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England and Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
During its first five years, a few large two-way exchanges were conducted each year. In 1982, Friendship Force travel arrangements changed from charters to one-way “exchanges” on regularly scheduled airlines, allowing greater flexibility and a reduction of group size—first to 40-80 and later to 20-25. The change in format permitted a great expansion of the program worldwide. Instead of a few large exchanges each year, there are now 250-300 smaller exchanges.
While the size and number of exchanges has changed dramatically since 1977, the basic Friendship Force formula is the same, with visiting ambassadors spending a week in the home of a host family. While each exchange is now in just one direction, the participating ambassadors and hosts develop a shared understanding of each other’s culture so that a true cultural exchange takes place. In many cases, the friendships established during an exchange continue for many years, with follow-up visits through later Friendship Force exchanges or through private visits.
Mr. Ryoichi Sasakawa, President of The Japan Shipbuilding Industry Foundation, played an important role in the organization’s history. After being introduced to the Friendship Force, Mr. Sasakawa became convinced of the worthy goals of the program. Thanks to Mr. Sasakawa’s financial gifts in the mid 1980s, The Friendship Force was able to grow into a global network of independent chapters, which are called Friendship Force clubs. The clubs are organized and led by volunteers in more than 350 communities on six continents.
In 1985, the A.R.M.S. (American Russian Mutual Survival) program was implemented under the auspices of The Friendship Force. The endeavor encouraged the use of arms that embrace rather than arms that destroy. In May of that year a group of 10 Soviet citizens traveled to the U.S. to extend arms of friendship in Atlanta, Georgia; Raleigh, North Carolina; Richmond, Virginia and Washington D.C. This was followed by a series of exchanges between the USA and the USSR, with thousands of Americans and Soviets participating. The success of the ARMS program demonstrated that the Friendship Force can be a powerful force for good in the world.
As a result of its initiatives between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Friendship Force was nominated in 1992 for The Nobel Peace Prize.
In addition to its annual series of exchanges between established Friendship Force clubs, Friendship Force International (FFI) conducts a variety of specialized programs. These include the “discover” series designed to introduce Friendship Force members to new countries and cultures, humanitarian and educational exchanges, and Friendship Festivals that include participants from many countries.
Since its founding in 1977, The Friendship Force has brought together millions of people. Today we are active in more than 50 countries, promoting friendship and goodwill through an extensive program of home hosting, or exchanges. In 2007 alone, 5763 friendship ambassadors traveled between 58 countries, with thousands more serving as hosts.
Friendship Force International is supported by membership, exchange fees, donations, and foundation grants.
To promote global understanding across the barriers that separate people
Mutual Respect • Cultural Diversity • Cultural Exploration • Service
Each individual will make a contribution to global goodwill.
The Friendship Force worldwide network of clubs and individuals will overcome differences among people and nations.
By connecting the world, one friend at a time, we will create a world of friends that becomes a world of peace.
Changing the Way You See the World
Explore • Understand • Serve
Explore: We explore new countries and regions. We explore new cultures and new ways to connect across the barriers that separate us.
Understand: By sharing a home, meals, conversation and everyday experiences, people become friends, seeing beyond governments and borders into the heart of a country and its people. By combining home hospitality with cultural exploration, we reach a new level of understanding.
Serve: Exploration leads to understanding. Understanding leads to an acceptance of our common humanity and the desire to serve our global village—with words and actions.
Quick Facts
244 exchanges were conducted in 2009 with 3,877 ambassadors traveling. More than 2,500 families across the globe served as hosts.
346 chartered clubs and programs in 59 countries on 6 continents with more than 18,000 members worldwide.
Friendship Force is a volunteer-driven organization. More
than 1,500 volunteer leaders work more than 30,000 hours
each year to promote the Friendship Force mission.
Almost 225,000 ambassadors and 750,000 hosts have participated in Friendship Force programs since 1977.
Program Services Coordinator for Latin America / Network Administrator Department of Program Services
Languages Spoken: Portuguese, Spanish & English
Program Services Coordinator for Austria, Germany and Switzerland Languages: German, English
Chief Operating Officer Department of Operations
Languages spoken: French, English
Program Services Coordinator for Asia Department of Program Services
Program Services Coordinator for Canada, Africa and Western Europe Department of Program Services
Languages: French, English
Program Services Coordinator for Russia and Eastern Europe Languages: Russian, English
Educational Project Coordinator Languages: English, German
Program Services Coordinator for the UK / Planning Coordinator Department of Program Services
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish
Program Services Coordinator for Australia and New Zealand Department of Program Services
Program Services Coordinator for Latin America Department of Program Services
Languages spoken: Spanish, English
Chair - Friendship Force of Kapiti Coast, New Zealand Alan tells us that being a Kiwi is the best preparation for participation in Friendship Force International! Because New Zealand is a multicultural country, Kiwis have life-long opportunities to live the FF mission to “promote global understanding across the barriers that separate people.” Kiwis celebrate the cultural diversity of their beautiful country every single day.
Friendship Force of Bogotá, Colombia Cuqui is well known by the Friendship Force family, having been active in the Bogotá club since its founding in 1982. Cuqui began her international experience as an AFS exchange student. The Bogotá club is well known for an excellent hosting program and is unique in that its outbound exchanges always include families with children.
Friendship Force of Limburg, Belgium Cecile Bouchet brings more than two decades of leadership to and involvement with Friendship Force.
President & CEO - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Dr. George T. Brown, Jr., returns to Friendship Force International, after serving as Executive Director of the Georgia Council for International Visitors (GCIV). George Brown has 25 years experience working with international programs in Atlanta.
Friendship Force of Northern Colorado, USA Cinda Clark is a member of the Friendship Force of Northern Colorado, USA. She took early retirement from a 20 year career in banking, followed by 12 years as a part time bookkeeper, giving her the flexibility for international travel. Cinda is a charter member of her club, with extensive leadership experience at the local and regional level.
Friendship Force of Rostov on Don, Russia Yury Kazantsev has been a member of the Rostov on Don Friendship Force club since 2007. He has traveled on several outbound exchanges, serving as Exchange Director on a recent exchange to FF Richmond, USA. Yury, former military officer, is a customs broker. He has traveled internationally with his family and also with his work.
Vice Chair - Friendship Force of Kern County, California, USA Sandy and her husband George joined the Friendship Force of Kern County in 1992 in order to host ambassadors from Germany. They have hosted numerous times, and served on many inbound and outbound exchange committees.
Friendship Force of Canadian Capital Region Cecile Latour is a member of the Friendship Force of the Canadian Capital Region where she has been an active host, as well as inbound Exchange Director. Cecile has extensive international experience, having been in the Canadian Foreign Service for 30 years, including service as the Canadian Ambassador to Vietnam.
Secretary - Friendship Force of Bavaria Nuernberg, Germany Boya Marshall has lived the Friendship Force experience in real life! She, and her English husband, Gerry Marshall, lived more than 20 years in Kuwait, Iran, and Indonesia developing a deep knowledge and respect for Muslim countries. She was president for her home Club, has been ED on many exchanges.
Friendship Force of Northern Illinois, USA David has been a member of The Friendship Force of Northern Illinois for ten years, during which time he participated both as ambassador and hosts several times and as Exchange Director twice
Friendship Force of Western North Carolina, USA Jack is a retired accountant (CPA). During his career he lived and worked in various countries, including Venezuela, Spain and Chile. He and his wife have been active members of the Friendship force of Western NC since 2001, holding several leadership positions. He has led various exchanges including the 2010 global exchange to Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico.
Washington, D.C., USA Mark is vice president of the National Council for International Visitors in Washington, D.C. In this position he helps coordinate a national program that provides professional experiences for emerging leaders from around the world who come to the USA at the invitation of the US State Department.
Friendship Force of Karsiyaka Bay, Turkey Çiçek was one of the first members of the Friendship Force of Izmir in 1994 and later worked to establish her current club in Karsiyaka. She has served as outbound and inbound ED on numerous occasions as well as holding the position of club president.
Friendship Force of Greater Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA Karen Overly Smith is a long time member of the Friendship Force in Pennsylvania, USA with connection over the years to both the Harrisburg and Lancaster clubs. Karen has served as club president and as Exchange Director to Ghana and China.Most recently she was FFI field representative for the mid-Atlantic and northeastern USA.
Friendship Force of Tokyo, Japan Drawn to Friendship Force 30 years ago by an advertisement in a Tokyo newspaper, Toko Yomura began work immediately to help organize a simultaneous exchange between Montana and Japan involving 240 people and a chartered airplane.
Promouvoir une vision planétaire du monde au-delà des barrières qui séparent
les personnes
Le respect mutuel • La diversité culturelle • L’exploration culturelle • Le service
Chaque personne aura contribué à la bienveillance mondiale.
Le réseau international des clubs et personnes de Friendship Force International
contribuera à surmonter les préjugés dus aux différences entre peuples et nations
En rapprochant les habitants du l’univers, un ami à la fois, nous créerons un monde
d’amis qui formera un monde de paix.
Changer Votre Façon de Percevoir le Monde
Explorer – Comprendre - Servir
Explorer: Nous découvrons de nouveaux pays et de nouvelles régions. Nous
explorons de nouvelles cultures et de nouvelles façons de nous rejoindre au-delà des
barrières qui nous séparent.
Comprendre: Par l’accueil à domicile, en partageant des repas, des conversations et
la routine quotidienne, les gens deviennent amis, voyant au-delà des gouvernements
et frontières, jusqu’au coeur d’un pays et de son peuple. En combinant l’hospitalité
chez soi et l’exploration d’une culture, nous atteignons un nouveau niveau de
compréhension mutuelle.
Servir: l’exploration mène à la compréhension. La compréhension mène à
l’acceptation de notre humanité commune, ainsi qu’à la soif de servir notre village
global – par des mots et des actions.
Förderung der Völkerverständigung jenseits aller trennenden Hindernisse Werte Gegenseitiger Respekt • Kulturelle Verschiedenheit • Kulturelles Entdecken
Jedes Mitglied trägt dazu bei, die Welt zum Positiven zu verändern
Überwindung der Konflikte zwischen Menschen und Nationen durch das weltweite
Netzwerk von Friendship Force Erschaffung einer Welt des Friedens durch weltumspannende Freundschaften
Die Welt mit anderen Augen sehen
Enddecken • Verstehen • Mitwirken
Entdecken: Wir entdecken neue Länder und Regionen. Wir entdecken neue Kulturen
und neue Gemeinsamkeiten jenseits aller trennenden Grenzen.
Verstehen: Fremde werden zu Freunden, indem wir ein Zuhause, eine Mahlzeit,
eine Unterhaltung und alltägliche Erlebnisse teilen. Jenseits der Grenzen von
Regierungen und Staaten gewinnen wir einen neuen Einblick in das Herz eines
Landes und seiner Menschen
Mitwirken: Aus dem „Entdecken“ entsteht Verständnis. Aus dem „Verstehen“ der
Gemeinsamkeiten entwickelt sich das Bedürfnis, in der globalen Gemeinschaft
mitzuwirken und mitzuhelfen - durch Worte und Taten.
使 命
価 値
相互理解 • 文化の多様性 • 文化の探検 • 相互援助
• 誰もが世界的に善意の貢献をします
• フレンドシップフォースのクラブや個人の世界規模ネットワークは、人々や
• 世界と繋がることで、一度に一人の友人を創造していくことは、世界の平和
発見 • 文化理解 • 相互援助
発 見:私たちは新しい国々や地域を発見していきます。私たちは新しい文化と、
Promover o entendimento universal, rompendo as barreiras que separam as pessoas
Respeito Mútuo • Diversidade Cultural • Exploração Cultural • Solidariedade
Cada indivíduo dará sua contribuição à boa vontade universal.
A rede global de clubes e indivíduos da Friendship Force ultrapassará as diferenças
entre pessoas e nações.
Por conectar-se ao mundo, um amigo de cada vez, cria-se um mundo de amigos,
conduzindo a um mundo de paz.
Mudando a Maneira de Você Ver o Mundo
Conheça • Entenda • Participe
Conheça: Conhecemos novos países e regiões, novas culturas e novas maneiras de
nos conectar, ultrapassando as barreiras que nos separam.
Entenda:Ao compartilhar sua casa, refeições, conversas e experiências do dia-adia,
as pessoas se tornam amigas, vendo, além de governo e fronteiras, o coração de
um país e de seu povo. Ao combinar a hospitalidade de uma casa com a exploração
cultural, alcançamos um novo nível de entendimento.
Participe: Conhecimento conduz a entendimento. Entendimento conduz a uma
aceitação de nossa humanidade comum e ao desejo de participar do mundo global,
com palavras e ações
Promover el entendimiento global rompiendo las barreras que separan a la gente
Respeto mutuo • Diversidad cultural • Exploración cultural • Solidaridad
• Cada individuo contribuye con la buena voluntad global.
• La red mundial de clubes e individuos de la Fuerza de la Amistad sobrepasa las diferencias entre las personas y las naciones.
• Por conectarse al mundo, un amigo a la vez, creamos un mundo de amigos y logramos un mundo de paz.
Cambiando la Manera de Ver el Mundo
Conozca • Entienda • Únase
Conozca: Conocemos nuevos países y regiones, nuevas culturas y maneras de
conectarse rompiendo las barreras que nos separan.
Entienda: Al compartir la casa, comidas, conversaciones y experiencias de la vida
diaria, la gente se hace amiga, yendo más allá de gobiernos y fronteras, y viendo
adentro del corazón de un país y de su gente. Al combinar la hospitalidad en una casa
con la exploración cultural, se logra un nuevo nivel de entendimiento.
Únase: El conocimiento lleva al entendimiento, y éste conduce a la aceptación de la
humanidad y al deseo de unirse a la aldea global con palabras y acciones
Содействовать всеобщему пониманию невзирая на барьеры, разделяющие
Наши ценности
Взаимоуважение • Культурное многообразие • Исследование
других культур • Помощь
Наше видение
• Каждый человек внесёт вклад во всемирную добрую волю.
• Распространение по всему миру сети клубов Силы дружбы и дружба между отдельными людьми преодолеют различия между народами и нациями.
• Приобретая всё новых друзей, сближая людей из разных уголков света, мы создадим мир друзей, который станет миром без насилия.
Изменение твоего видения мира
Познаём • Понимаем • Помогаем
Познаём: Мы познаём новые страны и регионы. Мы познаём новые
культуры и новые пути преодоления барьеров, которые нас разделяют.
Понимаем: Разделяя дом и еду, беседуя и делясь житейским опытом, люди
становятся друзьями и начинают видеть сердце страны и населяющих
её людей – вне границ и правительств. Совмещая гостеприимство и
культурное исследование, мы достигаем нового уровня понимания.
Помогаем: Исследование ведёт к пониманию. Понимание ведёт к
принятию нашей общей человечности
So what is Friendship Force?
The Friendship Force is a global community comprising 371 clubs (chapters) in 54 countries. Its members are ordinary people of all ages who share a desire to spread goodwill, to better understand people of other cultures, and to value one another as friends.
Cultural exchanges and home stays are the signature program of Friendship Force. A club prepares an itinerary of cultural activities, inviting members from other clubs in other countries to come for four to seven days and stay with them in their homes.
When local hosts open their homes to visitors from other countries and cultures, true understanding can develop though the sharing of meals, conversation and the routines of daily life. Strangers become friends. These friends change the way we see the world.
With the Friendship Force, not only do we discover other cultures, but we become citizen ambassadors for our own culture. We become part of changing the way others see the world as well.
Every friendship formed across the barriers of nationality, language, religion or politics makes the world a better place. This year 18,000 Friendship Force members are eager to welcome you.
Experience the world with the Friendship Force. You can change the world, one friendship at a time.
A Brief History of the Friendship Force
FF originally involved groups ranging from 150 to 400 private citizens, known as friendship ambassadors, traveling via chartered aircraft to the partner city where a group of the same size boarded to return to the original city, hence the terminology “Exchange,” the word we use still to refer to our travel programs. The visiting ambassadors were hosted in the homes of volunteer host families for a week, sharing everyday experiences and getting to know each other on a personal basis. The first FF experience involved 762 Ambassadors in a simultaneous exchange between Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England and Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
During its first five years, a few large two-way exchanges were conducted each year. In 1982, Friendship Force travel arrangements changed from charters to one-way “exchanges” on regularly scheduled airlines, allowing greater flexibility and a reduction of group size—first to 40-80 and later to 20-25. The change in format permitted a great expansion of the program worldwide. Instead of a few large exchanges each year, there are now 250-300 smaller exchanges.
While the size and number of exchanges has changed dramatically since 1977, the basic Friendship Force formula is the same, with visiting ambassadors spending a week in the home of a host family. While each exchange is now in just one direction, the participating ambassadors and hosts develop a shared understanding of each other’s culture so that a true cultural exchange takes place. In many cases, the friendships established during an exchange continue for many years, with follow-up visits through later Friendship Force exchanges or through private visits.
Mr. Ryoichi Sasakawa, President of The Japan Shipbuilding Industry Foundation, played an important role in the organization’s history. After being introduced to the Friendship Force, Mr. Sasakawa became convinced of the worthy goals of the program. Thanks to Mr. Sasakawa’s financial gifts in the mid 1980s, The Friendship Force was able to grow into a global network of independent chapters, which are called Friendship Force clubs. The clubs are organized and led by volunteers in more than 350 communities on six continents.
In 1985, the A.R.M.S. (American Russian Mutual Survival) program was implemented under the auspices of The Friendship Force. The endeavor encouraged the use of arms that embrace rather than arms that destroy. In May of that year a group of 10 Soviet citizens traveled to the U.S. to extend arms of friendship in Atlanta, Georgia; Raleigh, North Carolina; Richmond, Virginia and Washington D.C. This was followed by a series of exchanges between the USA and the USSR, with thousands of Americans and Soviets participating. The success of the ARMS program demonstrated that the Friendship Force can be a powerful force for good in the world.
As a result of its initiatives between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Friendship Force was nominated in 1992 for The Nobel Peace Prize.
In addition to its annual series of exchanges between established Friendship Force clubs, Friendship Force International (FFI) conducts a variety of specialized programs. These include the “discover” series designed to introduce Friendship Force members to new countries and cultures, humanitarian and educational exchanges, and Friendship Festivals that include participants from many countries.
Since its founding in 1977, The Friendship Force has brought together millions of people. Today we are active in more than 50 countries, promoting friendship and goodwill through an extensive program of home hosting, or exchanges. In 2007 alone, 5763 friendship ambassadors traveled between 58 countries, with thousands more serving as hosts.
Friendship Force International is supported by membership, exchange fees, donations, and foundation grants.
FFI Mission
To promote global understanding across the barriers that separate people
Mutual Respect • Cultural Diversity • Cultural Exploration • Service
Each individual will make a contribution to global goodwill.
The Friendship Force worldwide network of clubs and individuals will overcome differences among people and nations.
By connecting the world, one friend at a time, we will create a world of friends that becomes a world of peace.
Changing the Way You See the World
Explore • Understand • Serve
Explore: We explore new countries and regions. We explore new cultures and new ways to connect across the barriers that separate us.
Understand: By sharing a home, meals, conversation and everyday experiences, people become friends, seeing beyond governments and borders into the heart of a country and its people. By combining home hospitality with cultural exploration, we reach a new level of understanding.
Serve: Exploration leads to understanding. Understanding leads to an acceptance of our common humanity and the desire to serve our global village—with words and actions.
Quick Facts
244 exchanges were conducted in 2009 with 3,877 ambassadors traveling. More than 2,500 families across the globe served as hosts.
346 chartered clubs and programs in 59 countries on 6 continents with more than 18,000 members worldwide.
Friendship Force is a volunteer-driven organization. More
than 1,500 volunteer leaders work more than 30,000 hours
each year to promote the Friendship Force mission.
Almost 225,000 ambassadors and 750,000 hosts have participated in Friendship Force programs since 1977.
The headquarters office of FFI (Friendship Force International) is located in Atlanta, Georgia. The work
of the central office staff is supplemented by additional part time staff in Atlanta and in other locations.
The staff members are listed in alphabetical order with brief biographies as well as their main job
responsibility and how to contact them.
Ana Smulski
Program Services Coordinator for Latin America / Network Administrator Department of Program Services
Languages Spoken: Portuguese, Spanish & English
Barbara Stonebrink-Martin
Program Services Coordinator for Austria, Germany and Switzerland Languages: German, English
Kathy Thomas
Chief Operating Officer Department of Operations
Languages spoken: French, English
Maryam Jordan
Program Services Coordinator for Asia Department of Program Services
Mary Mwambay
Program Services Coordinator for Canada, Africa and Western Europe Department of Program Services
Languages: French, English
Elena McCarty
Program Services Coordinator for Russia and Eastern Europe Languages: Russian, English
Allison Lindsey
Educational Project Coordinator Languages: English, German
Pallie Savoie
Program Services Coordinator for the UK / Planning Coordinator Department of Program Services
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish
Matthew Nidek
Program Services Coordinator for Australia and New Zealand Department of Program Services
Laura Romero
Program Services Coordinator for Latin America Department of Program Services
Languages spoken: Spanish, English
The governing Board of Directors of Friendship Force International (FFI) consists of volunteers who
contribute their time and expertise to overseeing the global operations of the organization. Board members
serve four year terms. The current members are from nine countries. Most are experienced Friendship
Force leaders, but several come from outside of FFI, adding a valuable external perspective.
Alan Milne
Chair - Friendship Force of Kapiti Coast, New Zealand Alan tells us that being a Kiwi is the best preparation for participation in Friendship Force International! Because New Zealand is a multicultural country, Kiwis have life-long opportunities to live the FF mission to “promote global understanding across the barriers that separate people.” Kiwis celebrate the cultural diversity of their beautiful country every single day.
Beatriz E. Gamboa de Ardila (Cuqui)
Friendship Force of Bogotá, Colombia Cuqui is well known by the Friendship Force family, having been active in the Bogotá club since its founding in 1982. Cuqui began her international experience as an AFS exchange student. The Bogotá club is well known for an excellent hosting program and is unique in that its outbound exchanges always include families with children.
Cecile Bouchet
Friendship Force of Limburg, Belgium Cecile Bouchet brings more than two decades of leadership to and involvement with Friendship Force.
George Brown
President & CEO - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Dr. George T. Brown, Jr., returns to Friendship Force International, after serving as Executive Director of the Georgia Council for International Visitors (GCIV). George Brown has 25 years experience working with international programs in Atlanta.
Cinda Clark
Friendship Force of Northern Colorado, USA Cinda Clark is a member of the Friendship Force of Northern Colorado, USA. She took early retirement from a 20 year career in banking, followed by 12 years as a part time bookkeeper, giving her the flexibility for international travel. Cinda is a charter member of her club, with extensive leadership experience at the local and regional level.
Yury Kazantsev
Friendship Force of Rostov on Don, Russia Yury Kazantsev has been a member of the Rostov on Don Friendship Force club since 2007. He has traveled on several outbound exchanges, serving as Exchange Director on a recent exchange to FF Richmond, USA. Yury, former military officer, is a customs broker. He has traveled internationally with his family and also with his work.
Sandra Larson
Vice Chair - Friendship Force of Kern County, California, USA Sandy and her husband George joined the Friendship Force of Kern County in 1992 in order to host ambassadors from Germany. They have hosted numerous times, and served on many inbound and outbound exchange committees.
Cecile Latour
Friendship Force of Canadian Capital Region Cecile Latour is a member of the Friendship Force of the Canadian Capital Region where she has been an active host, as well as inbound Exchange Director. Cecile has extensive international experience, having been in the Canadian Foreign Service for 30 years, including service as the Canadian Ambassador to Vietnam.
Boya Marshall
Secretary - Friendship Force of Bavaria Nuernberg, Germany Boya Marshall has lived the Friendship Force experience in real life! She, and her English husband, Gerry Marshall, lived more than 20 years in Kuwait, Iran, and Indonesia developing a deep knowledge and respect for Muslim countries. She was president for her home Club, has been ED on many exchanges.
David Meyer
Friendship Force of Northern Illinois, USA David has been a member of The Friendship Force of Northern Illinois for ten years, during which time he participated both as ambassador and hosts several times and as Exchange Director twice
Jack Mullen
Friendship Force of Western North Carolina, USA Jack is a retired accountant (CPA). During his career he lived and worked in various countries, including Venezuela, Spain and Chile. He and his wife have been active members of the Friendship force of Western NC since 2001, holding several leadership positions. He has led various exchanges including the 2010 global exchange to Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico.
Mark Rebstock
Washington, D.C., USA Mark is vice president of the National Council for International Visitors in Washington, D.C. In this position he helps coordinate a national program that provides professional experiences for emerging leaders from around the world who come to the USA at the invitation of the US State Department.
Çiçek Şensan
Friendship Force of Karsiyaka Bay, Turkey Çiçek was one of the first members of the Friendship Force of Izmir in 1994 and later worked to establish her current club in Karsiyaka. She has served as outbound and inbound ED on numerous occasions as well as holding the position of club president.
Karen Overly Smith
Friendship Force of Greater Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA Karen Overly Smith is a long time member of the Friendship Force in Pennsylvania, USA with connection over the years to both the Harrisburg and Lancaster clubs. Karen has served as club president and as Exchange Director to Ghana and China.Most recently she was FFI field representative for the mid-Atlantic and northeastern USA.
Toko Yomura
Friendship Force of Tokyo, Japan Drawn to Friendship Force 30 years ago by an advertisement in a Tokyo newspaper, Toko Yomura began work immediately to help organize a simultaneous exchange between Montana and Japan involving 240 people and a chartered airplane.
MissionPromouvoir une vision planétaire du monde au-delà des barrières qui séparent
les personnes
Le respect mutuel • La diversité culturelle • L’exploration culturelle • Le service
Chaque personne aura contribué à la bienveillance mondiale.
Le réseau international des clubs et personnes de Friendship Force International
contribuera à surmonter les préjugés dus aux différences entre peuples et nations
En rapprochant les habitants du l’univers, un ami à la fois, nous créerons un monde
d’amis qui formera un monde de paix.
Changer Votre Façon de Percevoir le Monde
Explorer – Comprendre - Servir
Explorer: Nous découvrons de nouveaux pays et de nouvelles régions. Nous
explorons de nouvelles cultures et de nouvelles façons de nous rejoindre au-delà des
barrières qui nous séparent.
Comprendre: Par l’accueil à domicile, en partageant des repas, des conversations et
la routine quotidienne, les gens deviennent amis, voyant au-delà des gouvernements
et frontières, jusqu’au coeur d’un pays et de son peuple. En combinant l’hospitalité
chez soi et l’exploration d’une culture, nous atteignons un nouveau niveau de
compréhension mutuelle.
Servir: l’exploration mène à la compréhension. La compréhension mène à
l’acceptation de notre humanité commune, ainsi qu’à la soif de servir notre village
global – par des mots et des actions.
MissionFörderung der Völkerverständigung jenseits aller trennenden Hindernisse Werte Gegenseitiger Respekt • Kulturelle Verschiedenheit • Kulturelles Entdecken
Jedes Mitglied trägt dazu bei, die Welt zum Positiven zu verändern
Überwindung der Konflikte zwischen Menschen und Nationen durch das weltweite
Netzwerk von Friendship Force Erschaffung einer Welt des Friedens durch weltumspannende Freundschaften
Die Welt mit anderen Augen sehen
Enddecken • Verstehen • Mitwirken
Entdecken: Wir entdecken neue Länder und Regionen. Wir entdecken neue Kulturen
und neue Gemeinsamkeiten jenseits aller trennenden Grenzen.
Verstehen: Fremde werden zu Freunden, indem wir ein Zuhause, eine Mahlzeit,
eine Unterhaltung und alltägliche Erlebnisse teilen. Jenseits der Grenzen von
Regierungen und Staaten gewinnen wir einen neuen Einblick in das Herz eines
Landes und seiner Menschen
Mitwirken: Aus dem „Entdecken“ entsteht Verständnis. Aus dem „Verstehen“ der
Gemeinsamkeiten entwickelt sich das Bedürfnis, in der globalen Gemeinschaft
mitzuwirken und mitzuhelfen - durch Worte und Taten.
Mission (Japanese)
価 値
相互理解 • 文化の多様性 • 文化の探検 • 相互援助
• 誰もが世界的に善意の貢献をします
• フレンドシップフォースのクラブや個人の世界規模ネットワークは、人々や
• 世界と繋がることで、一度に一人の友人を創造していくことは、世界の平和
発見 • 文化理解 • 相互援助
発 見:私たちは新しい国々や地域を発見していきます。私たちは新しい文化と、
Mission (Portuguese)
Respeito Mútuo • Diversidade Cultural • Exploração Cultural • Solidariedade
Cada indivíduo dará sua contribuição à boa vontade universal.
A rede global de clubes e indivíduos da Friendship Force ultrapassará as diferenças
entre pessoas e nações.
Por conectar-se ao mundo, um amigo de cada vez, cria-se um mundo de amigos,
conduzindo a um mundo de paz.
Mudando a Maneira de Você Ver o Mundo
Conheça • Entenda • Participe
Conheça: Conhecemos novos países e regiões, novas culturas e novas maneiras de
nos conectar, ultrapassando as barreiras que nos separam.
Entenda:Ao compartilhar sua casa, refeições, conversas e experiências do dia-adia,
as pessoas se tornam amigas, vendo, além de governo e fronteiras, o coração de
um país e de seu povo. Ao combinar a hospitalidade de uma casa com a exploração
cultural, alcançamos um novo nível de entendimento.
Participe: Conhecimento conduz a entendimento. Entendimento conduz a uma
aceitação de nossa humanidade comum e ao desejo de participar do mundo global,
com palavras e ações
Mission (Spanish)
Respeto mutuo • Diversidad cultural • Exploración cultural • Solidaridad
• Cada individuo contribuye con la buena voluntad global.
• La red mundial de clubes e individuos de la Fuerza de la Amistad sobrepasa las diferencias entre las personas y las naciones.
• Por conectarse al mundo, un amigo a la vez, creamos un mundo de amigos y logramos un mundo de paz.
Cambiando la Manera de Ver el Mundo
Conozca • Entienda • Únase
Conozca: Conocemos nuevos países y regiones, nuevas culturas y maneras de
conectarse rompiendo las barreras que nos separan.
Entienda: Al compartir la casa, comidas, conversaciones y experiencias de la vida
diaria, la gente se hace amiga, yendo más allá de gobiernos y fronteras, y viendo
adentro del corazón de un país y de su gente. Al combinar la hospitalidad en una casa
con la exploración cultural, se logra un nuevo nivel de entendimiento.
Únase: El conocimiento lleva al entendimiento, y éste conduce a la aceptación de la
humanidad y al deseo de unirse a la aldea global con palabras y acciones
Mission (Russian)
Наша миссияСодействовать всеобщему пониманию невзирая на барьеры, разделяющие
Наши ценности
Взаимоуважение • Культурное многообразие • Исследование
других культур • Помощь
Наше видение
• Каждый человек внесёт вклад во всемирную добрую волю.
• Распространение по всему миру сети клубов Силы дружбы и дружба между отдельными людьми преодолеют различия между народами и нациями.
• Приобретая всё новых друзей, сближая людей из разных уголков света, мы создадим мир друзей, который станет миром без насилия.
Изменение твоего видения мира
Познаём • Понимаем • Помогаем
Познаём: Мы познаём новые страны и регионы. Мы познаём новые
культуры и новые пути преодоления барьеров, которые нас разделяют.
Понимаем: Разделяя дом и еду, беседуя и делясь житейским опытом, люди
становятся друзьями и начинают видеть сердце страны и населяющих
её людей – вне границ и правительств. Совмещая гостеприимство и
культурное исследование, мы достигаем нового уровня понимания.
Помогаем: Исследование ведёт к пониманию. Понимание ведёт к
принятию нашей общей человечности
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